A card index, as a Rolodex, once used to organize and access cards containing the information of personal or business contacts. Depicted as a black or gray rotating device with a contact card displayed, including a graphic and text.
Occasionally used to represent contact details/information and business cards. Thanks to its appearance, this emoji is sometimes mistaken for such things as documents or word processing.
Apple’s design features a picture of its 👩 Woman, identified as Jane Appleseed (previously John Appleseed) with the following contact details as an easter egg:
[email protected]
125 Main St.
City Name, CA 95014
Work: (408) 123-4567
Home: (400) 765-4321
95014 is the zip code (postcode) for Apple’s corporate headquarters in Cupertino, California.
JoyPixels features its 👩⚕️ Woman Health Care Worker. WhatsApp’s design also shows the picture of a woman.Card Index was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.
What does Card Index Emoji mean?
The Card Index Emoji, represented by a stack of index cards, is commonly used to symbolize organization, categorization, and keeping track of information. It can also be used to convey the act of filing or sorting through documents or records. In a more abstract sense, it can represent the idea of keeping things in order or staying on top of things in a systematic manner.
Meaning from a guy
For a guy, the Card Index Emoji might be used to indicate that he is organized and on top of things. It could also be used to convey that he is keeping track of important information or details, or that he is in the process of sorting through documents or records. In a more casual context, it could simply be used to show that he is staying organized and efficient in his daily tasks.
Meaning from a girl
From a girl’s perspective, the Card Index Emoji might be used to express her attention to detail, her organizational skills, or her ability to keep things in order. It could also be used to convey that she is in the process of sorting through information or that she is staying on top of her responsibilities. In a more playful context, it could be used to show that she is keeping track of important details in a lighthearted way.
5 examples explain how to use Card Index Emoji
1. “I just finished organizing my files and documents for the week 🗂️”
2. “I need to go through my notes and update my index cards 🗂️”
3. “I’m staying on top of things and keeping everything in order 🗂️”
4. “I love the feeling of being organized and having everything in its place 🗂️”
5. “I’m in the process of sorting through all my paperwork and staying on top of things 🗂️”