Fearful Face Emoji meaning, 😨 meaning

Fearful Face Emoji Meaning

A face with small, open eyes, open frown, raised eyebrows, and a pale blue forehead, as if experiencing a cold flash.Β Samsung’s design shows upper teeth and tongue.
While intended to represent fear (less intense than 😱 Face Screaming in Fear), it also conveys a wide variety of emotions, including feeling amazed, shocked, sad, upset, and cold. Bears the same expression as 😧 Anguished Face on most platforms.Fearful Face was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

What does Fearful Face Emoji mean?

The Fearful Face Emoji is used to convey a sense of fear, anxiety, or uneasiness. It is often used to express feelings of being scared, worried, or nervous about a situation or event. The emoji typically features wide eyes and a slightly downturned mouth, giving the impression of a face filled with fear or apprehension.

Meaning from a guy

For a guy, the Fearful Face Emoji may be used to show vulnerability or express discomfort in a situation. It can also be used to convey a sense of unease or anxiety about something that is happening or about to happen. In some cases, it may be used humorously to express mild fear or trepidation.

Meaning from a girl

For a girl, the Fearful Face Emoji can be used to express feelings of fear or anxiety in a situation. It may also be used to convey a sense of uneasiness or nervousness about something. Additionally, it can be used to show vulnerability and express a need for comfort or reassurance.

5 examples explain how to use Fearful Face Emoji

1. “I’m so scared to watch this horror movie tonight 😨”
2. “I have a big presentation tomorrow and I’m feeling really nervous 😨”
3. “I heard a strange noise outside and now I’m feeling really anxious 😨”
4. “I’m afraid of flying, so I always have this look on my face at the airport 😨”
5. “I can’t believe I have to give a speech in front of so many people, I’m freaking out 😨”

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