Japanese Dolls Emoji meaning, 🎎 meaning

Japanese Dolls Emoji Meaning

Ornamental Japanese Emperor and Empress dolls, as displayed in celebration of Hinamatsuri on March 3 in Japan (Girls’ or Dolls’ Day).
Generally depicted as a Japanese Emperor (left, in blue, holding a scepter) and Empress (right, in red, holding a fan) in ceremonial court dress and seated on a tatami.
When not applied to Hinamatsuri, sometimes used to represent Japan, dolls, a pair of people (as a couple or two friends), and for various idiosyncratic purposes.Japanese Dolls was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

What does Japanese Dolls Emoji mean?

The Japanese Dolls Emoji, also known as the Hinamatsuri Dolls Emoji, represents a traditional Japanese festival known as Hinamatsuri, or Girls’ Day. During this festival, families display a set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians on a tiered platform. The emoji is often used to symbolize the celebration of girls and womanhood in Japanese culture.

Meaning from a guy

From a guy’s perspective, the Japanese Dolls Emoji may be used to express appreciation for the cultural significance of the Hinamatsuri festival. It can also be used to show respect for girls and women, as well as to celebrate feminine qualities and achievements.

Meaning from a girl

From a girl’s perspective, the Japanese Dolls Emoji may be used to express pride in being a woman and to celebrate the strength and beauty of femininity. It can also be used to show excitement for the Hinamatsuri festival and to share the joy of being recognized and celebrated.

5 examples explain how to use Japanese Dolls Emoji

1. “Happy Girls’ Day! 🎎 Let’s celebrate the strength and beauty of women.”
2. “I love the traditional Hinamatsuri dolls 🎎 They are so beautiful and elegant.”
3. “Honoring the girls and women in my life today 🎎 #Hinamatsuri”
4. “Wishing all the girls a wonderful Hinamatsuri festival 🎎”
5. “Feeling proud to be a woman today 🎎 #GirlsDay”

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