Man Supervillain Emoji meaning, 🦹‍♂️ meaning

Woman Supervillain Emoji Meaning

The Man Supervillain emoji is a ZWJ sequence combining 🦹 Supervillain, Zero Width Joiner and ♂️ Male Sign. These display as a single emoji on supported platforms.Man Supervillain was added to Emoji 11.0 in 2018.

What does Man Supervillain Emoji mean?

The Man Supervillain Emoji depicts a male character with a sinister expression, often wearing a black mask or cape. This emoji is commonly used to represent a male antagonist or villain in various contexts, such as in movies, comics, and literature. It can also convey a sense of mischief, cunning, or deviousness.

Meaning from a guy

For men, the Man Supervillain Emoji may be used to express a playful sense of mischief or to playfully tease someone. It can also be used to convey a sense of confidence or power, as the supervillain is often portrayed as a formidable adversary. In some cases, it may be used to humorously portray oneself as a mischievous or cunning character.

Meaning from a girl

From a girl’s perspective, the Man Supervillain Emoji can be used to convey a sense of playfulness or mischief. It may also be used to express a lighthearted sense of rebellion or defiance. Additionally, it can be used to playfully tease or mock someone in a humorous or light-hearted manner.

5 examples explain how to use Man Supervillain Emoji

1. When jokingly boasting about their mischievous or cunning nature, a person might use the Man Supervillain Emoji to add a playful tone to their message.
2. When playfully teasing a friend or partner, the Man Supervillain Emoji can be used to convey a sense of mischief or lighthearted rebellion.
3. In a conversation about a movie or book with a villainous character, the Man Supervillain Emoji can be used to express excitement or interest in the antagonist.
4. When playfully mocking someone in a humorous manner, the Man Supervillain Emoji can add a playful and mischievous tone to the message.
5. When expressing a sense of confidence or power in a playful or humorous context, the Man Supervillain Emoji can be used to add a sense of playfulness to the message.

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