Rightwards Pushing Hand Emoji meaning, 🫸 meaning

Rightwards Pushing Hand Emoji Meaning

A profile of an open hand pushing or positioned with the palm toward the right. 
May be used to show a hand pushing something away or to represent rejection of something in general. May also be used with with 🫷 Leftwards Pushing Hand to show hands high fiving or holding, pressing, or squishing something.Rightwards Pushing Hand was approved as part of Unicode 15.0 in 2022 and added to Emoji 15.0 in 2022.

What does Rightwards Pushing Hand Emoji mean?

The Rightwards Pushing Hand Emoji 💨 is often used to convey the action of pushing something to the right, or to indicate a sense of urgency or haste. It can also be used to express the idea of moving forward or making progress in a particular direction. In some contexts, it can also symbolize the idea of dismissal or rejection, as if pushing something or someone away.

Meaning from a guy

For a guy, the Rightwards Pushing Hand Emoji can be used to show determination and drive towards a particular goal or direction. It can also be used to express a sense of urgency or impatience, as if pushing for something to happen quickly.

Meaning from a girl

For a girl, the Rightwards Pushing Hand Emoji can be used to show assertiveness and a desire to take charge of a situation. It can also be used to convey a sense of determination and perseverance in moving forward towards a specific goal or outcome.

5 examples explain how to use Rightwards Pushing Hand Emoji

1. “I need to finish this project by the end of the day 💨”
2. “Let’s push for that promotion together 💨”
3. “I’m not interested in that idea, so I’m pushing it away 💨”
4. “I’m determined to reach my fitness goals this year 💨”
5. “We need to move forward with this plan quickly 💨”

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