Unamused Face Emoji meaning, πŸ˜’ meaning

Unamused Face Emoji Meaning

A yellow face with slightly raised eyebrows, a frown, and eyes looking to the side. May convey a variety of negative emotions, including irritation, displeasure, grumpiness, and skepticism, as if giving the side-eye.
Not to be confused with 😏 Smirking Face, which features similar eyes but a wry smile.Unamused Face was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

What does Unamused Face Emoji Mean?

The unamused face emoji, also known as the “unimpressed” or “disappointed” emoji, is often used to convey a sense of dissatisfaction or annoyance. It is typically used to express feelings of disapproval, disappointment, or frustration. The unamused face emoji can also be used to show skepticism or indifference towards a particular situation or person.

Meaning from a Guy

From a guy’s perspective, the unamused face emoji may be used to show his disapproval or annoyance towards something that he finds unimpressive or unsatisfactory. It can also be used to express his frustration or disappointment in a situation or a person’s actions. In some cases, the unamused face emoji may be used to convey a sense of indifference or skepticism towards a particular topic or conversation.

Meaning from a Girl

From a girl’s perspective, the unamused face emoji may be used to show her dissatisfaction or annoyance towards something that she finds unimpressive or disappointing. It can also be used to express her frustration or disappointment in a situation or a person’s actions. In some cases, the unamused face emoji may be used to convey a sense of skepticism or indifference towards a particular topic or conversation.

5 Examples of How to Use Unamused Face Emoji

1. “I can’t believe he’s late again πŸ™„”
2. “This movie is so boring πŸ™„”
3. “I asked for no pickles on my burger and they still put them on πŸ™„”
4. “She’s telling the same story for the third time πŸ™„”
5. “I can’t believe he forgot my birthday πŸ™„”

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