Variation Selector-16 Emoji meaning, ️ meaning

Variation Selector 16 Emoji Meaning

An invisible codepoint which specifies that the preceding character should be displayed with emoji presentation. Only required if the preceding character defaults to text presentation.
Often used in Emoji ZWJ Sequences, where one or more characters in the sequence have text and emoji presentation, but otherwise default to text (black and white) display.Variation Selector-16 was approved as part of Unicode 3.2 in 2002 and added to Emoji 11.0 in 2018.## What does Variation Selector-16 Emoji mean?

The Variation Selector-16 Emoji, also known as VS16, is a special character used in Unicode to modify the appearance of certain emojis. When combined with an emoji, it can change the gender or skin tone of the emoji, allowing for more diverse and inclusive representation in digital communication. This means that emojis can be customized to better reflect the diversity of the real world, making communication more inclusive and representative of different identities.

## Meaning from a guy

From a guy’s perspective, the Variation Selector-16 Emoji can be used to indicate a specific gender or skin tone when communicating through emojis. For example, a guy might use the VS16 emoji to select a male version of a particular emoji, or to show solidarity with a specific skin tone. This allows for more personalized and accurate representation in digital communication, helping to ensure that all individuals feel seen and included.

## Meaning from a girl

From a girl’s perspective, the Variation Selector-16 Emoji can also be used to express gender or skin tone preferences when using emojis. For example, a girl might use the VS16 emoji to select a female version of a particular emoji, or to represent her own skin tone. This allows for more diverse and inclusive communication, helping to ensure that everyone feels represented and valued in digital interactions.

## 5 examples explain how to use Variation Selector-16 Emoji

1. To change the skin tone of the “thumbs up” emoji, you can use the VS16 emoji followed by the desired skin tone modifier.
2. To select a specific gender for the “police officer” emoji, you can use the VS16 emoji followed by the male or female symbol.
3. To customize the family emojis to reflect your own family, you can use the VS16 emoji to select the appropriate gender and skin tone for each family member.
4. To represent your own skin tone in emojis that depict people, you can use the VS16 emoji followed by the desired skin tone modifier.
5. To ensure inclusive representation in your communication, you can use the VS16 emoji to select diverse gender and skin tone options for emojis depicting people.

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