A wastebasket, as used to discard trash in an office. Generally depicted as a silver, wire-mesh container. Also known as a wastepaper basket, trash/garbage can, or rubbish bin.
Commonly used for various content concerning literal and figurative waste. May also be used in the context of basketball. Sometimes paired with 🔥 Fire as a visual representation of the slang expression dumpster fire (“chatoic situation”).
Samsung’s design previously depicted a metal can/bin with a lid, as used for outdoor garbage—or lived in by Oscar the Grouch. Not to be confused with 🧺 Basket.Wastebasket was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.## What does Wastebasket Emoji mean?
The Wastebasket Emoji, also known as the Trash Can Emoji, is a symbol often used to represent discarding or getting rid of something. It can be used to convey the act of throwing away physical items, as well as metaphorically discarding ideas, thoughts, or emotions. The Wastebasket Emoji can also symbolize cleaning up or decluttering a space.
## Meaning from a guy
For guys, the Wastebasket Emoji can represent a no-nonsense approach to getting rid of things. It may be used to indicate a desire to clean up and organize, or to express a practical mindset when it comes to discarding unnecessary items. Guys may also use the Wastebasket Emoji to convey a sense of decisiveness or finality when it comes to making a decision or taking action.
## Meaning from a girl
From a girl’s perspective, the Wastebasket Emoji can symbolize a desire to declutter and create a sense of order. It may be used to express a need for cleanliness and tidiness, or to convey a sense of letting go of negative thoughts or emotions. Girls may also use the Wastebasket Emoji to show a willingness to make a fresh start or to move on from something that no longer serves them.
## 5 examples explain how to use Wastebasket Emoji
1. “I’m cleaning out my closet and getting rid of old clothes 🗑️”
2. “It’s time to delete all those old emails 🗑️”
3. “I’m throwing away all the junk food in the house 🗑️”
4. “Let’s declutter and organize the garage this weekend 🗑️”
5. “I’m ready to let go of the past and start fresh 🗑️”