White Medium-Small Square was approved as part of Unicode 3.2 in 2002 under the name “White Medium Small Square” and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.
What does White Medium-Small Square Emoji mean?
The White Medium-Small Square Emoji is a simple, solid white square used to represent various concepts. It can be used to indicate a blank space, a neutral or non-specific feeling, or to simply add emphasis to a message. Its meaning can vary depending on the context in which it is used.
Meaning from a guy
For a guy, the White Medium-Small Square Emoji may be used to convey a sense of neutrality or indifference. It can be used to indicate that he is not particularly invested in a conversation or situation. It may also be used to create a pause or break in a message, similar to a line break or space.
Meaning from a girl
From a girl’s perspective, the White Medium-Small Square Emoji can be used in a similar way to indicate a blank space or to add emphasis to a message. It may also be used to create a sense of neutrality or to convey a non-specific feeling. Additionally, it can be used to create a pause or break in a message, similar to a line break or space.
5 examples explain how to use White Medium-Small Square Emoji
1. “I’m feeling ______ about the party tonight.”
2. “I need to take a ________ before I make a decision.”
3. “I’ll be there at 7 ________.”
4. “I’m ________ about what to do this weekend.”
5. “________ I don’t have a preference for dinner tonight.”